Friday, September 9, 2011

Badlands National Park --> St. Paul

I was only lukewarm about visiting the badlands, but I had forgotten the beauty of the national park, until we arrived at the gate shortly before ten this morning. September is a wonderful time, because the weather is warm but the tourists are fare less numerous, and we enjoyed a lovely ride through the park, exiting the car to take pictures and enjoy the fresh morning air.

My favorite sighting was a sign warning of rattlesnakes! No chance of me venturing onto the grass, or off the designated man-made path.

We stopped for lunch at a McDonald's in Chamberlain, SD, close to the Missouri River. After lunch, we headed for Sioux Falls, where we were to stop for the night. Or, at least, that was my intention. It was only late afternoon, and Bob wanted to press on. In the late afternoon sunshine, we slipped across the border into Minnesota, past the wind farms and golden fields, harvests already complete. The Traverse seems to like a speed of 80mph (in SD, the limit is 75, 5 mph higher than I90 in Minnesota), and we quickly reached the turn north on 35.

We had thought that we would stop for dinner near Albert Lea, after hitting 35, but all restaurants were behind us. we got gas a few miles north of the intersection of 80 & 35, and pulled out a bag of chips that Bob had brought from home last week. I, who scorn such snacks, dipped enthusiastically into the bag and was very happy that such an unhealthy non-food had made its way into the vehicle.

Darkness fell quickly around Lakeville. We arrived home before 8:30 and unpacked the car. Dirty laundry lies at the bottom of the basement stairs. Minou the cat has forgiven us for our long absence. We're happy to be home!

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